Main products: Shampoo ,Conditioner ,Soap ,Thai Seasoning ,Thai sauces

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Asiamart Export is exporting firm and has operated since year 2001. Our store locates in Bangbuathong Nonthaburi, Thailand. We provide services to our customers in many Asian countries. Besides exporting firm, we also have supermarket named "TC Supermart" to service our local customers in both wholesale and retail formats since 1993. Been in the industry for 21 years with strong connection with many suppliers, we have high ability to purchase a lot of products with good prices. Our strength enables us to provide our customers many products with reasonable and low price but high quality and good service. Why do you do a business with us? 1. We operate super 3 businesses: Supermarket, Local Wholesaler, and Exporting Company, and we have 10,000 SKUs of products in hands. Therefore, our customers are able to purchase all items in their list just in one stop. This is very convenience for them since we help our customers to avoid wasting time and cost to contact many suppliers to cover their entire product list. 2. Our service is fast. We normally ship all items 14 days after receiving the order. Why can we do so fast? With 20 years of experience in the industry, we have many strong connections with a lot of suppliers including many products categories, allowing us to contact with them immediately. 3. We have services to help you on shipping processes. Shipping processes seems to be complicated for import-export transactions. Some buyers choose to reduce the complication by purchasing from cargo, in other word middle man who provides services on purchasing and managing shipment processes. This seems to be easier for them, but, in the reality, those buyers have to pay more cost for each items charged by cargo/middlemen and cost from shipment process. Realizing this problem, we provide our customers services on shipping processes from our store to sea port with actual cost.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company,Distributor/Wholesaler
Factory Location18/13-14 Moo. Bangkruay-Sainoi Rd Sanoloi
Factory SizeBelow 1,000 square meters
Main MarketsSouth Asia , Southeast Asia , Eastern Asia
Main ProductsShampoo ,Conditioner ,Soap ,Thai Seasoning ,Thai sauces
Number of Workers5 - 10 People
Port of ShipmentBangkok
We ProvideShampoo ,Conditioner ,Soap ,Thai Seasoning ,Thai sauces
Year Established2000

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